Here’s a question for you...
If you could have more control of what happens inside and outside of your body... do you think that would help you get better results? Better health? Would it interest you?
Do you know people who have tried "everything", but can’t get the results they're looking for?
For example, people who exercise and exercise, they try every diet, but they just can’t seem to lose any weight. Then there’s the person who lost the weight and then gained it back. Or the skinny one’s who can’t gain any weight no matter how much protein they take. What about people who do all kinds of ab workouts but they still can’t get the six pack. Or people who are always tired, no matter how much sleep they get. Or the ones who can’t sleep at night. Or what about the athlete who just can’t seem to recover fast enough or get past that plateau. I’m positive you know what I’m talking about.
Here’s another question...
Did you know there are more gyms, fitness trainers, nutritionists, health coaches, diets, and information about health and fitness now more than ever? But why is it that the number of people having health problems is getting worse and worse? Diabetes, cancer, heart problems, and the list goes on and on. Over 1/3 of adult Americans, (that’s over 72 million people) and 17% of our children are suffering from obesity. Many of the trainers, nutritionists, health coaches, and the information you’ve heard or read about, know what I’m about to tell you today... and most of them will agree with this information.
But what’s missing? What’s been the problem that’s been keeping you from getting the results?
Some may say, get off the couch and stop eating Cheetos! Or something like that... right? Work out more, do more aerobic exercise, add weight lifting, more cardio, juicing, alkalize, eat salads, etc., etc., etc., you’ve heard it all, haven’t you? In order for you to understand what I’m about to tell you, that so-called little secret that they haven’t told you about, you have to understand how the body works. Just to be clear... this so-called little secret, is not really a secret.
Some of you already know the information I’m about to tell you, but it wasn’t until not too long ago, that this became available to everyone.
Before we get into it, let me give you a quick disclaimer, I’m not a medical doctor and I don’t pretend to know about all of the medical conditions that exist or others may or may not have. With the information I’m about to share with you, thousands of people are getting results they thought they’d never get. This information can be researched in books and obviously the internet, and it comes from well known and respected doctors, well known schools, professional fitness trainers, professional athletes, and more.
Please feel free to look up and research everything I say. But I believe the results and the thousands of testimonies talk for themselves.
Here are two of my favorite books and references:
1. The Healing Power of Enzymes by Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney
2. The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung
One more thing, if you’re looking for that “magic pill” that doesn’t exist, this is not for you. This is only for people who are truly looking to better their health with lasting results.
For example, people who exercise and exercise, they try every diet, but they just can’t seem to lose any weight. Then there’s the person who lost the weight and then gained it back. Or the skinny one’s who can’t gain any weight no matter how much protein they take. What about people who do all kinds of ab workouts but they still can’t get the six pack. Or people who are always tired, no matter how much sleep they get. Or the ones who can’t sleep at night. Or what about the athlete who just can’t seem to recover fast enough or get past that plateau. I’m positive you know what I’m talking about.
Here’s another question...
Did you know there are more gyms, fitness trainers, nutritionists, health coaches, diets, and information about health and fitness now more than ever? But why is it that the number of people having health problems is getting worse and worse? Diabetes, cancer, heart problems, and the list goes on and on. Over 1/3 of adult Americans, (that’s over 72 million people) and 17% of our children are suffering from obesity. Many of the trainers, nutritionists, health coaches, and the information you’ve heard or read about, know what I’m about to tell you today... and most of them will agree with this information.
But what’s missing? What’s been the problem that’s been keeping you from getting the results?
Some may say, get off the couch and stop eating Cheetos! Or something like that... right? Work out more, do more aerobic exercise, add weight lifting, more cardio, juicing, alkalize, eat salads, etc., etc., etc., you’ve heard it all, haven’t you? In order for you to understand what I’m about to tell you, that so-called little secret that they haven’t told you about, you have to understand how the body works. Just to be clear... this so-called little secret, is not really a secret.
Some of you already know the information I’m about to tell you, but it wasn’t until not too long ago, that this became available to everyone.
Before we get into it, let me give you a quick disclaimer, I’m not a medical doctor and I don’t pretend to know about all of the medical conditions that exist or others may or may not have. With the information I’m about to share with you, thousands of people are getting results they thought they’d never get. This information can be researched in books and obviously the internet, and it comes from well known and respected doctors, well known schools, professional fitness trainers, professional athletes, and more.
Please feel free to look up and research everything I say. But I believe the results and the thousands of testimonies talk for themselves.
Here are two of my favorite books and references:
1. The Healing Power of Enzymes by Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney
2. The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung
One more thing, if you’re looking for that “magic pill” that doesn’t exist, this is not for you. This is only for people who are truly looking to better their health with lasting results.
What is Health?
According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental or social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. According to Nutrition and Diet Therapy, health is optimal human fulfillment and productivity-quality of life. In “English” terms... when we have good health, we have energy to do things throughout our day, when our health is poor, we don’t have much energy, right? I believe we can agree that health is equal to energy. So where does your energy come from? It comes from your cells. In order for your cells to survive and have the vitality to create energy, they need Oxygen, Water, Nutrients and the ability to Eliminate waste. I believe we all know that our body is made up of trillions of cells that need the same things to survive.
What would you think our body needs to survive and stay healthy? We’ll get back to this in a moment…
What would you think our body needs to survive and stay healthy? We’ll get back to this in a moment…
Do you remember that old saying...? "You are what you eat?"
So what do we put in our bodies?
For those people who don’t have the time, who are always on the run, spend an hour in traffic to and from work, going from appointment to appointment; these people usually eat whatever is closest and fastest to them. Between work, family time, social time and changing society, people have less and less time to eat the way they should. Most people are eating processed foods and fast food. These foods have very little nutrients, if any. We’re unable to digest these foods properly and it prevents us from absorbing the little amounts of nutrients these foods contain. Tons of sugar is being consumed! Did you know that the average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar each year? And it’s not only from our drinks, but it’s in most of the food we eat! It’s no wonder there are so many problems with obesity and diabetes.
What about the person who already eats healthy, but they can’t get the results, they still feel tired, they can’t recover fast enough, or
they just don’t feel like they’re healthy?
The 1992 Earth Summit Report reported that the soils have lost 72% of the minerals.
A UCLA study in 1997 showed that 43 bowls of spinach are needed to get the same amount of nutrients from one bowl of spinach in 1953.
The recommended servings of fruits and vegetables according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is
13–15 servings/day. |
What about the person who already eats healthy, but they can’t get the results, they still feel tired, they can’t recover fast enough, or they just don’t feel like they’re healthy? Studies done by the US Department of Agriculture have shown how the minerals in our vegetables have decreased tremendously. Other studies have shown that soils have lost over 72% of it’s nutrients and minerals. So what does this mean exactly? How does this affect us? A UCLA study concluded that you would have to consume 43 bowls of spinach to get the same nutritional value from one bowl of spinach in 1953. Who’s going to eat 43 bowls of spinach in one day? Not even Popeye can eat that much spinach! Now we have to consume more so that we can get the nutrition we need. The recommended servings of fruits and vegetables according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is 13 – 15 Servings per day. I remember when the recommended servings was 3-5 per day. It’s not easy to eat everything our body needs in one day. So it’s safe to say that food does not have the same nutritional value it had over 50 years ago, right?
So we eat processed foods, fast foods, lots of sugar and our food doesn’t have the nutritional value that it had years ago, so what now?
There's more...
So we eat processed foods, fast foods, lots of sugar and our food doesn’t have the nutritional value that it had years ago, so what now?
There's more...
Power of Enzymes
*Processing and cooking food above 48 degrees kills 100% of enzymes.
*Enzymes are needed for every chemical reaction that takes place in the human body *No mineral, vitamin or hormone can do any work without enzymes Dr. Edward Howell “Enzyme Nutrition” |
Like spark plugs in a car, you can have the best fuel, but the quality of the spark plug will determine how well it runs. Enzymes are required for nutrient activation.
When we cook our food above 48 degrees Celsius, we kill 100% of the enzymes in our food. Enzymes? What are enzymes? Even though this topic has been around for over 30 years, it’s still a very unfamiliar subject. This is where most diets and regimens go wrong, hint… hint...
Enzymes are catalysts that speed up every reaction in our body. They’re responsible for carrying, delivering, constructing and eliminating. We have trillions of cells in our body and each cell needs approximately 13,000 enzymes to survive and complete it’s function. Every time we move our fingers, we walk, run, talk, think, blink, breathe, our heart beats, we eat, chew, digest our food, everything that happens in our body requires enzymes. Imagine enzymes like a spark plug. You can have a brand new car, with a great motor, the best fuel, and a great driver. But what happens if the car doesn’t have a spark plug? The car doesn’t start. There’s no nutrient, vitamin, mineral or hormone that can do any work without enzymes. If we don’t have enzymes we die.
Isn’t everyone born with enzymes? Yes. But what most people don’t know is that we’re only born with a certain number of enzymes. As we age, we’re losing our enzymes and now we’re losing enzymes faster than ever before and we don’t even realize this is happening. The large heavy meals, processed foods, fast foods, large intakes of sugars and unhealthy fats all require large amounts of enzymes to be digested.
Here’s a few examples of what happens when we lose enzymes.
Do you know people who as children could drink milk and now as adults they’re lactose intolerant? What happened? Well, they lost the enzymes to process the lactose in the milk. What about people who crave a lot of bread, sugars or pasta? They get a piece of bread, then another and before they know it they ate a whole cake! Why do they crave so much bread? What happens is that they don’t have enough enzymes to digest the carbohydrates properly. If they can’t digest the carbohydrates, the body can’t absorb them so now the body thinks that you’re not feeding it carbohydrates, so it asks for more. We see them as bread, pasta, and sweets. This is where cravings come from. The same with fats, these are people who crave a lot of fried foods, spicy foods, and fatty food. Then there’s the people who say, if there’s no meat, there’s no food. They can’t digest proteins properly, the body can’t absorb them so it asks for proteins. All because we’re losing enzymes.
Now we’re not absorbing nutrients, the body thinks we’re not feeding it so it begins to ask for more food, (cravings). We start to over eat, we're spiking up insulin levels, and now the body stores the excess as fats in the liver and anywhere it can fit it as reserves. Are you beginning to understand why it’s so difficult to follow strict diets and stick with them? If your body cannot absorb the nutrients from the food that you’re eating, the body thinks you’re not feeding it and the unhealthy vicious cycle begins.
But it doesn’t stop here...
Enzymes are catalysts that speed up every reaction in our body. They’re responsible for carrying, delivering, constructing and eliminating. We have trillions of cells in our body and each cell needs approximately 13,000 enzymes to survive and complete it’s function. Every time we move our fingers, we walk, run, talk, think, blink, breathe, our heart beats, we eat, chew, digest our food, everything that happens in our body requires enzymes. Imagine enzymes like a spark plug. You can have a brand new car, with a great motor, the best fuel, and a great driver. But what happens if the car doesn’t have a spark plug? The car doesn’t start. There’s no nutrient, vitamin, mineral or hormone that can do any work without enzymes. If we don’t have enzymes we die.
Isn’t everyone born with enzymes? Yes. But what most people don’t know is that we’re only born with a certain number of enzymes. As we age, we’re losing our enzymes and now we’re losing enzymes faster than ever before and we don’t even realize this is happening. The large heavy meals, processed foods, fast foods, large intakes of sugars and unhealthy fats all require large amounts of enzymes to be digested.
Here’s a few examples of what happens when we lose enzymes.
Do you know people who as children could drink milk and now as adults they’re lactose intolerant? What happened? Well, they lost the enzymes to process the lactose in the milk. What about people who crave a lot of bread, sugars or pasta? They get a piece of bread, then another and before they know it they ate a whole cake! Why do they crave so much bread? What happens is that they don’t have enough enzymes to digest the carbohydrates properly. If they can’t digest the carbohydrates, the body can’t absorb them so now the body thinks that you’re not feeding it carbohydrates, so it asks for more. We see them as bread, pasta, and sweets. This is where cravings come from. The same with fats, these are people who crave a lot of fried foods, spicy foods, and fatty food. Then there’s the people who say, if there’s no meat, there’s no food. They can’t digest proteins properly, the body can’t absorb them so it asks for proteins. All because we’re losing enzymes.
Now we’re not absorbing nutrients, the body thinks we’re not feeding it so it begins to ask for more food, (cravings). We start to over eat, we're spiking up insulin levels, and now the body stores the excess as fats in the liver and anywhere it can fit it as reserves. Are you beginning to understand why it’s so difficult to follow strict diets and stick with them? If your body cannot absorb the nutrients from the food that you’re eating, the body thinks you’re not feeding it and the unhealthy vicious cycle begins.
But it doesn’t stop here...
Most people have digestive problems and don't even know it.
Since we can’t digest our food properly, do you remember the necessities of a cell to have optimal vitality and health? Oxygen, Water, Nutrients and the ability to Eliminate waste. Our body functions the same way as a cell, just in a larger scale.
Let’s look at a newborn baby... as soon as the baby eats it eliminates. That’s the way the normal body is supposed to work. Unfortunately, we are so used to our busy lifestyles, now it is very common that a person will not eliminate frequently. So all of this undigested food begins to rot in our intestines. Proteins putrefy, carbohydrates ferment and fats become rancid. It then becomes dry fecal matter that’s stuck to our intestines. We see it as a belly, or love handles or the little pooch that won’t go away no matter how many ab workouts we do. This is where most people are in denial or have the wrong information.
When I ask a person how many times they go the bathroom to do "number 2", most people say, I have no problem with that. Then they’ll say, I go every morning after I drink my coffee, right? Many people won’t answer until they pull me aside and tell me, it’s been 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, up to 21 days that people have told me that they can’t go to the bathroom. And if you’re one of those people who goes to the bathroom, and it takes you like 20 minutes to go, you read a magazine front and back, and you push and push and do all those rituals so that you can go, and most people when they go it comes out so hard that sometimes they bleed! -- and it feels like you only went half ways, right? -- then you’re cleaning yourself and you don’t have enough toilet paper because every time you wipe, it still comes out dirty. Then they come out of the bathroom saying, “whew!, light a match! wait an hour before you go in there!” Does this sound familiar?
When you go the bathroom, it’s supposed to come out easily, soft, and it shouldn’t leave a fowl smell. Sorry to get so detailed. But as you can see, most people don’t even realize that they have digestive problems. Doctors say that the average person walks around with an average of 5-25 pounds of dry fecal matter stuck in their intestines.
We have these little villi in our small intestines that help absorb the nutrients from what we eat, but when we have all of that putrefaction clogging up the walls of our intestines, what is our body absorbing? Toxins!
We are auto-intoxicating ourselves and we wonder why there are so many health issues, hair loss, skin problems, acne, joint aches, pains, lack of sleep, migraines, constipation, chronic diseases, people are overweight and the list goes on and on. Most people say, I’ll just get one of those colon cleanses, right? But the cycle just starts over again because of all I explained. That’s why cleanses don’t always work. It’s no wonder doctors say that the majority of diseases begin in our digestive system -- and this leads to... yes, there’s more.
Let’s look at a newborn baby... as soon as the baby eats it eliminates. That’s the way the normal body is supposed to work. Unfortunately, we are so used to our busy lifestyles, now it is very common that a person will not eliminate frequently. So all of this undigested food begins to rot in our intestines. Proteins putrefy, carbohydrates ferment and fats become rancid. It then becomes dry fecal matter that’s stuck to our intestines. We see it as a belly, or love handles or the little pooch that won’t go away no matter how many ab workouts we do. This is where most people are in denial or have the wrong information.
When I ask a person how many times they go the bathroom to do "number 2", most people say, I have no problem with that. Then they’ll say, I go every morning after I drink my coffee, right? Many people won’t answer until they pull me aside and tell me, it’s been 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, up to 21 days that people have told me that they can’t go to the bathroom. And if you’re one of those people who goes to the bathroom, and it takes you like 20 minutes to go, you read a magazine front and back, and you push and push and do all those rituals so that you can go, and most people when they go it comes out so hard that sometimes they bleed! -- and it feels like you only went half ways, right? -- then you’re cleaning yourself and you don’t have enough toilet paper because every time you wipe, it still comes out dirty. Then they come out of the bathroom saying, “whew!, light a match! wait an hour before you go in there!” Does this sound familiar?
When you go the bathroom, it’s supposed to come out easily, soft, and it shouldn’t leave a fowl smell. Sorry to get so detailed. But as you can see, most people don’t even realize that they have digestive problems. Doctors say that the average person walks around with an average of 5-25 pounds of dry fecal matter stuck in their intestines.
We have these little villi in our small intestines that help absorb the nutrients from what we eat, but when we have all of that putrefaction clogging up the walls of our intestines, what is our body absorbing? Toxins!
We are auto-intoxicating ourselves and we wonder why there are so many health issues, hair loss, skin problems, acne, joint aches, pains, lack of sleep, migraines, constipation, chronic diseases, people are overweight and the list goes on and on. Most people say, I’ll just get one of those colon cleanses, right? But the cycle just starts over again because of all I explained. That’s why cleanses don’t always work. It’s no wonder doctors say that the majority of diseases begin in our digestive system -- and this leads to... yes, there’s more.
Acidity vs. Alkalinity
All this leads to our bodies using up more and more energy to try to clean our bodies, our cells, and everything in between. If we add pollution, contamination, drugs, smoke, stress and all of the outside factors to the auto-intoxication, all of these toxins that are now acidic are surrounding and killing our cells. The body then uses fat as a buffer to protect itself, which just adds on to the unhealthy vicious cycle. People wonder why they barely eat but they gain more weight. As we exercise, our body creates more acids and if we’re toxic and acidic it just creates more and more problems and it’s why people can’t get the results they’re looking for -- and it gets worse after this. Our cells are not getting the oxygen, water, and nutrients they need, and they’re not eliminating. So they’re dying and becoming toxic and the immune system is affected, which usually leads to aches, pains, illness, chronic diseases and the list goes on. This is destroying more and more enzymes because our enzymes are working overtime to try to repair and rebuild our cells and keep our immune system healthy. -- and there’s more that just keeps going on like a domino effect, but I’m sure you understand the big picture.
How Do We Fix This?
Jose Nilo - Me (to read my testimony click here)
Adriana Nilo - My Wife (to read her testimony click here)
What is that "little secret" that's not really a secret?
If you have been following me for some time now, you know that I’ve tried different supplements, diets, and regimens. I feel that as a certified trainer and certified nutritionist, I owe it to my clients and customers to know what’s out there. I won’t do things that I know are harmful, but I will do “extreme” things, like fast for 36 hours straight. In this section I’m going to tell you what has been consistent for me for over 10 years. This is what most people have been missing. When you read this, you’re probably going to say, “I knew this!” or “I’ve heard this before!” but it’s very likely that you’re not doing it or you’re missing one or more parts of it.
That one so-called little secret that is not a secret is this. Out of all the supplements, diets and everything I’ve tried, the following 4 supplements remained constant. When I didn’t take one of them, I was able to see and feel a huge difference in my performance and in my everyday life including sleeping, managing my weight, fat percentages, digestive health, skin, hair, energy and pretty much how I felt. I have taken these for over 10 years and have personally helped dozens, (directly and indirectly), of people create amazing transformations in their lives. I’ll go through them one at a time.
That one so-called little secret that is not a secret is this. Out of all the supplements, diets and everything I’ve tried, the following 4 supplements remained constant. When I didn’t take one of them, I was able to see and feel a huge difference in my performance and in my everyday life including sleeping, managing my weight, fat percentages, digestive health, skin, hair, energy and pretty much how I felt. I have taken these for over 10 years and have personally helped dozens, (directly and indirectly), of people create amazing transformations in their lives. I’ll go through them one at a time.
Digestive Enzymes
As I mentioned above, everyone is born with enzymes but we’re losing them quicker now than ever. Digestive enzymes help us digest our food which will help us absorb the nutrients from the food we’re eating and it helps eliminate the waste. When we take digestive enzymes, we can now absorb more nutrients, this helps so that we don’t have as many cravings. It’s very simple, when the body has what it needs, it won’t ask for more. Maybe now you can understand why we get cravings and why people have a hard time following diets that restrict you from eating certain foods. It’s not our will power, it’s that our body is asking for certain nutrients and if we’re not giving it what it needs it asks for more. If we’re not digesting our food properly and we’re not absorbing the nutrients, then we get a malnourished body and a toxic digestive system. Again, digestive enzymes help us digest our food so that we can absorb the nutrients from the food we eat and they also help so that the food does not get stuck in our intestines which by default helps keep our digestive system cleaner and healthier.
I like intermittent fasting and have intentionally not taken the digestive enzymes when I’m done with my fasts. I immediately notice that I want to start binge eating because I start craving carbs. It’s not the case when I stay on the digestive enzymes. From my personal experience and from my clients and customers, the digestive enzymes help them with cravings. Many have noticed that before they took enzymes, they would eat and crave a lot of a certain food, like desserts and cake. After they started taking enzymes, they still ate desserts and cake, but noticed they wouldn't eat as much of that dessert.
I like intermittent fasting and have intentionally not taken the digestive enzymes when I’m done with my fasts. I immediately notice that I want to start binge eating because I start craving carbs. It’s not the case when I stay on the digestive enzymes. From my personal experience and from my clients and customers, the digestive enzymes help them with cravings. Many have noticed that before they took enzymes, they would eat and crave a lot of a certain food, like desserts and cake. After they started taking enzymes, they still ate desserts and cake, but noticed they wouldn't eat as much of that dessert.
Probiotics are live microorganisms (good bacteria) that help keep our gut healthy. There’s so much research being done on probiotics, but what we do know is that good bacteria help us in so many ways than to just keep our guts healthy. Just to mention a couple, for example, they help our immune system and they say that it helps us with our mood. I compare probiotics to “good antibiotics” except they don’t have side effects like antibiotics. For today’s purpose, what probiotics do is they go in our digestive system and clean the fecal matter that’s stuck to the walls of our intestines. With clean intestines, we can absorb more nutrients and we’re not absorbing the toxins from all of that fecal matter stuck in there. Probiotics also help regulate us. As I mentioned above, I have seen many cases of people who are constipated. After taking probiotics, they’re able to go normally, it comes out soft and easily, like ice cream. I know one person in her 40’s who jokingly said that even her birthday cake from her “quinceanera” (15th birthday) came out after taking probiotics. It was funny when she said it, but she was serious. She had a severe case of hemorrhoids that doctors couldn’t cure for months and wasn’t able to go for days. She said she would bleed and would lie in bed all day on her side because she couldn't do anything because of the pain. There’s a lot to her story but I’ll leave it at that. Sorry for the “TMI” but these are the kinds of testimonies I have and it’s probably the reason why many people don’t want me to post their testimonies on my website or on social media. They’re too embarrassed. Again, most people think that probiotics are just for people who are constipated, but as I mentioned earlier, they help for many other things.
Protease (Proteolytic Enzymes)
Protease is an enzyme that helps digest protein when taken with food. But when protease is taken on an empty stomach is where the “magic” begins. The only time I would ever take pain medication, like Advil or Ibuprofen, was when I couldn’t take the pain due to some type of injury. Besides that, I didn’t like to take medication for anything. This was since high school before I knew anything about nutrition. When I was introduced to protease in 2008, I haven’t taken any medication, not even antibiotics for anything. In very generalized terms, when protease is taken on an empty stomach, they go into your bloodstream, they clean your blood and arteries from plaque, metals, and they help repair damaged cells. They help with pain and inflammation. According to what doctors say, especially holistic doctors, almost every disease and problem in our body is inflammation. The protease I take is safe, so when I get injured and/or have major pain, I load up on protease. I take these daily for prevention, muscle soreness and for quicker recovery from my training.
Greens are becoming a “household” thing. It seems like everyone is offering greens now. When I first started taking greens, most people didn’t know what they were. People thought it was gross, they thought it was some kind of medicine or tea, and they thought that making their own juices with a blender was healthier. Now people are beginning to understand the power of greens in a powder. I describe greens as getting all of your daily servings of fruits and veggies in one scoop and for a lot less money. You get all of the nutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants and the benefits of the fruits, berries, veggies, and plants without the sugars. Greens help us detox, they help our immune system, they give us energy and they help us all around. There are so many benefits we can get from taking greens daily. It’s just amazing. As I mentioned above, when we get the nutrients our body needs, we reduce cravings and it helps our body work the way it’s supposed to work. I’ve always believed that our bodies can heal on their own as long as it has what it needs.
There’s different kinds of greens out there. I simplified it and made 2 categories. The “antioxidant” greens and the “meal replacement” greens. I created these categories for my personal use. I don’t worry about ORAC values anymore because ORAC values are super high on most greens that are made these days. I focus more on ingredients. I look for organic. I look for ingredients that come from wholefoods and not synthetic. And I make sure there’s minimal or no chemicals, artificial flavors, colorings and/or sweeteners.
The ones I take daily are the antioxidant greens. These greens have no sugar or less than 1 gram of sugar and minimal calories. I still eat fruits and veggies, but knowing that I took my greens I feel confident that nourishing my body. I take these in the mornings and sometimes I use them as my pre- during- and post-workouts.
The “meal replacement” greens have carbohydrates, protein, fats, plus all of the other benefits of the antioxidant greens. These are the greens I give my girls. I take these depending on my day and my training. I will take these before my long rides and sometimes during and/or after long rides. It makes a great recovery drink after long training days when blended with ice and fruit. I like to take these when I’m "detoxing" and sometimes when I feel a little hungry and need a quick “pick me up”.
If you believe in alkalinity versus acidity in the body, greens are supposed to help you alkalize and/or neutralize the acidity in the body. I believe that the body becomes toxic and that one should detox. Greens help with detoxing.
There’s different kinds of greens out there. I simplified it and made 2 categories. The “antioxidant” greens and the “meal replacement” greens. I created these categories for my personal use. I don’t worry about ORAC values anymore because ORAC values are super high on most greens that are made these days. I focus more on ingredients. I look for organic. I look for ingredients that come from wholefoods and not synthetic. And I make sure there’s minimal or no chemicals, artificial flavors, colorings and/or sweeteners.
The ones I take daily are the antioxidant greens. These greens have no sugar or less than 1 gram of sugar and minimal calories. I still eat fruits and veggies, but knowing that I took my greens I feel confident that nourishing my body. I take these in the mornings and sometimes I use them as my pre- during- and post-workouts.
The “meal replacement” greens have carbohydrates, protein, fats, plus all of the other benefits of the antioxidant greens. These are the greens I give my girls. I take these depending on my day and my training. I will take these before my long rides and sometimes during and/or after long rides. It makes a great recovery drink after long training days when blended with ice and fruit. I like to take these when I’m "detoxing" and sometimes when I feel a little hungry and need a quick “pick me up”.
If you believe in alkalinity versus acidity in the body, greens are supposed to help you alkalize and/or neutralize the acidity in the body. I believe that the body becomes toxic and that one should detox. Greens help with detoxing.
My "two cents" theory on toxins
Here’s a little bit of my “two cents” theory on toxins. It’s just a theory, not proven, but for me it makes sense. When toxins get into our bloodstream, the body reacts in different ways to defend itself. We know that the liver does tons of work when it comes to filtering our blood and detoxing chemicals and metabolizing drugs. Another way our body defends itself is by using fatty acids to try and keep toxins, (which are considered acidic), from harming the cells. The body will store a lot of the toxins in the fatty acids as a buffer and if we don’t detox, (ie., like cleaning our digestive system), the body will store more fat. Nowadays people are looking for ways to burn fat. Here’s another reason why I believe people have such a hard time burning fat. (That was my little two cents theory on toxins).
There's no magic pill
There’s no magic pill. These four supplements in my opinion are the basics to us having optimal health. There are other supplements, like protein, aminos, vitamins, minerals, fat burners, antioxidants, etc., that may or may not help us. I take other supplements. But these four supplements I have taken for over 10 years and will keep taking them as long as I’m going to keep eating the food available for us today. These four supplements are going to help all other supplements do what they’re supposed to do. These four supplements are going to help you be able to see results when you diet. Whether it’s fasting, keto, paleo, vegan, low carb, atkins, or whatever diet you choose, you’ll start seeing results. Hopefully you choose a healthy diet that allows you to eat the foods you like so that you don’t have to deprive and/or torture yourself. Taking these 4 supplements will make a huge difference in your life.
If you’d like to take your health a few steps further, make sure to subscribe to my page. I post blogs and vlogs and give out real information. Yes I do promote products and services, but I keep it real and as of now, I’m not bombarding anyone with emails and/or offers.
I hope this information brought some value and it helps you in one way, shape or form. If it did bring value, please share this with your family and friends. We never know who might benefit from information like this. Remember to visit my store!
Thank you for reading!
God bless,
Jose Nilo
If you’d like to take your health a few steps further, make sure to subscribe to my page. I post blogs and vlogs and give out real information. Yes I do promote products and services, but I keep it real and as of now, I’m not bombarding anyone with emails and/or offers.
I hope this information brought some value and it helps you in one way, shape or form. If it did bring value, please share this with your family and friends. We never know who might benefit from information like this. Remember to visit my store!
Thank you for reading!
God bless,
Jose Nilo