![]() Tuesday was my last post for this week and it was about our radio show. All of a sudden things feel like they're falling on me like a huge weight. We were asked to move to another town home in our community last minute. The whole complex is being renovated and our lease was up this month, but we were planning on staying one more year. I have a 100 mile ride next weekend, which I've only trained for in the last few weeks, our company is making a huge change, (really good change), and the one that scares me the most is that my wife goes back to work on Monday. Since I work from home, we decided that I would take care of Gianna (our baby) while she's at work. All this just feels like it's coming down on us (my wife and I) all at the same time. I guess what threw us off was the unexpected move. Somehow, my wife and I have managed to stay calm and just take things as they come and accept the changes, but this week was overwhelming. I've managed to keep up my production in my business, plus add on to the 2 new business ventures and the radio show and still tend to our family, my fitness, and everything I committed to do. This Tuesday on the radio, my closing statement was about stopping for a little moment and truly see where I'm standing and where I'm heading and truly answer if I'm heading down the path I want to be going. I realized that even though my whole life is changing, I'm truly happy with who I am and where I'm going. I'm not satisfied, but I realized that for the longest time I was not happy, I was frustrated and I couldn't focus. In the last 3 months, now I have more responsibilities, things are changing like crazy for me, but I have more direction and even though I still make mistakes, it's not as stressful as before because of a few things I realized I'm doing. 1. I have prioritized my priorities (if that makes any sense). I have my priorities in order and I take care of things in that order. I am not allowing the outside factors that I can't control determine my daily activities and actions. Even though we were hit with this move, I'm still scheduling my priorities so that I can get them done even with the move. 2. I have eliminated people that were bringing me down from my life, (even if it wasn't their intentions), and I'm allowing people who are adding light into my life. I am only giving my time to the people who are heading in the same direction as me and together we're growing whether it's in my business, family, health and fitness. 3. I'm focused on what I have to do at that moment and I give it my full attention. Whether it's changing my baby's diapers, feeding her or putting her to sleep, to making my phone calls, appointments, presentations, to riding my bike or working out and everything I have scheduled. I'm paying attention to the moment, I'm enjoying the process and making sure I do it at my best without having all of the distractions that I used to let bother me. 4. I'm scheduling everything. From the time I have to wake up, to what I'm going to eat, to my trainings, to when I'm going to make a phone call and Gianna is already falling into an eating and sleeping schedule. I used to rely too much on my memory, but I'm noticing that trying to remember everything doesn't allow for structure. It's almost like I was afraid of commitment, because if I schedule it, then I must do it and if something "better" came up then I thought I would miss out. Nothing better ever came. I had to make things better by committing and make the best of what I scheduled. One thing for sure... if it's not something that will take me closer to my ultimate goals and my purpose, then I just say "NO" and I don't schedule, which takes me to #5. 5. I'm only scheduling things or events that will take me closer to where I'm going (my priorities). I'm not afraid to say "NO"! Also, I'm not waiting on other people to make decisions, I plan what I want and need to do, and if others want to come along, then they're welcomed. For example, a family event where no one can make up their mind. My wife and I say, we're going here, we're staying here and this is what we're doing. If anyone wants to come along, they know what we're doing and what our plans are. This has allowed me to not waste time especially in my businesses and in my workouts. 6. I'm not focusing on the money. Before I would stress out about making money, making money, making money. Now I noticed I'm just focused on being happy and being at peace. Because of my change in focus, it's very easy for me to do the things I want and have to do. This is a huge change for me and it feels good. Even though I did feel the weight of so many changes that came during the same time this week, I was able to just take it in, see things clearly and just make a few adjustments that allowed me to keep going. (Not writing in my blog this week until tonight was an adjustment and here I am writing). 7. This one may sound very "cliche" but here it goes. Everything I'm doing, I'm doing it with love. I was going to put this one with #6, but I feel it's different. This has taken away any fear that I have to pursue my crazy goals. Just because I'm happy and at peace it doesn't mean I'm satisfied. I guess this is a result of all the previous 6 especially the people I've allowed myself to be surrounded by and because I'm doing things that are taking me closer to what I feel is my purpose. Many people told me that my life would change when I had my baby, but it's gotten to the point to where it seems like people are expecting me to be perfect. If I have a small challenge, the first thing that comes out of their mouths is, "See, now you see how kids make it hard for us?" I'm amazed at how people put their kids as excuses for not being able to do things and they use kids as excuses to stay in their comfort zone. I have challenges, I'm not perfect, but one thing I haven't done is say that I can't do what I have to do because of my child. Maybe it's too soon, but she's going on 3 months and I've managed to not only keep up with my production in my business, but also added my fitness challenge on my bike and I took on 2 other business ventures. Where did this come from all of a sudden... I have to go back to #7. The love that Gianna brought the day she was born, truly lit up my spirit, heart and soul and it's given me that drive that I didn't have for a long time. I don't see Gianna as an excuse to not be able to do things -- on the contrary, I see Gianna as a reason to do more in life and still give her my full attention. Finally, I would have to say #8. I have a beautiful, loving wife that has been by my side no matter how crazy my goals and ventures are. People say I'm a dreamer, but I am what I am... and I do what ever it takes to make sure I can light up another person's candle and hope, but not expect, that the other person will pay it forward and help me light up as many candles as they can so that we can make a difference in this world. I'm able to do this and everything I mentioned above with unconditional love thanks to my wife, Adriana. I love her with all my heart.
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