Before I give away my end results of my 3 day cleanse/detox let me talk about Day 3. Day 3 started off great. I slept well again, felt ready to go in the morning and thank God because it was a busy day at work. After work I had a small challenge. I couldn't get home right after work like I had planned. I needed to eat early because I had a 2 hour training ride scheduled. At home, I was going to eat a veggie soup filled with plenty of starches, (potatoes, squash, lentils, carrots, celery, and some other stuff). Let me back track to day 2. I forgot to mention that on day 2 I weighed myself because I felt like I was losing too much weight. Before the detox I anticipated losing between 3-5 pounds, but I was hoping to stay closer to 3 pounds. On day 2 I had already lost 3 pounds. Forward to day 3. I weighed myself on Day 3 and I was down 5 pounds. In order to be able to get my training in (which was a spin in zone 1-2 with a few hard efforts), I was going to need more calories. So my options were fast food, burgers, tacos, burritos, Thai food, fried chicken, pizza or Vietnamese. I chose Vietnamese. I ordered veggie pho, with veggie broth and I asked them to add fish. The rice noodles are not the best during a detox but I needed the calories to keep me from losing more weight and for my training. This detox was meant for anti-inflammation (prevention) and to get me on fat burning mode to prepare me for my next training phase which begins next week. I could have easily waited to get home to eat my veggie soup. If I did that, I would have missed my training ride because I would have gotten home too late. My overall goal is to prepare for competition, so I didn't want to sacrifice my training ride. At the end of it all, I still accomplished my goal on this cleanse/detox even though I had to make adjustments on the last day. My joints and muscles feel great. I lost 2% body fat in these 3 days. I weighed myself on Day 4 in the morning and I lost a total of 6 pounds. Weight loss was not my focus, but it was expected. Fitness and health is a life journey. Life happens to all of us and our plans are not going to be perfect. But as long as we keep taking small consistent daily steps toward our goals, we'll keep making progress in life. Day 3 - Regimen. I kept drinking over 80 ounces of water throughout the day. Morning 1 glass of water with lemon (squeezed half a lemon) 1 full dropper of CBD oil 1 tablespoon of liquid collagen 1 scoop of More Greens 2 Essential fatty acids (omegas) 2 Essential amino acids 2 Multi-vitamins 2 Protease Mid-morning 1/2 cup of Pumpkin Seeds (with the shell) Lunch 2 scoops of the Power Shake Afternoon Veggie Pho with fish 1 Digestive Enzyme Before Bike Spin 1 scoop of More Greens 1 tablespoon of Apothe Cherry 1 full dropper of CBD 2 Essential fatty acids (omegas) 2 Essential amino acids 2 Multi-vitamins 2 Protease After Bike Spin 2 Scoops of the Power Shake 6 Strawberries 12 Black berries Before bed Hot tea - Moringa and Arnica 1 Probiotic #coachnilo #detox #cleanse #training #fitness #swimbikerun #swimming #cycling #running #marathon #triathlon #ironman #nutrition #health #lifehappens Day 1 felt pretty good. I had to pee a lot more than usual, but besides that everything else was good. No headaches, achy joints or pains. I slept pretty good, except for the getting up to go to the bathroom a few times. Day 2 - I woke up feeling rested and ready to go. I felt alert and I wasn’t yawning in the morning. My abs felt super tight, so I know I’m burning fat. It’s interesting, but if I didn’t say or tell anyone that I was cleansing/detoxing, people wouldn’t be able to notice that I’ve been cleansing/detoxing. For the exception of having to pee a lot more than usual, I was able to go through my day normally and felt very alert. Day 2 - Regimen The differences from day 1 to day 2 will be highlighted in green. Morning 1 teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 glass of water with lemon (squeezed half a lemon) 1 full dropper of CBD oil 1 tablespoon of liquid collagen 1 scoop of More Greens 2 Essential fatty acids (omegas) 2 Essential amino acids 2 Multi-vitamins 2 Protease Lunch 2 scoops of the Power Shake Afternoon 1 Large Avocado with Himalayan salt 1 Cucumber with lemon, Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper Early Evening 1 scoop of More Greens 1 tablespoon of Apothe Cherry 1 full dropper of CBD 2 Essential fatty acids (omegas) 2 Essential amino acids 2 Multi-vitamins 2 Protease Before bed Hot tea concoction - Arnica and Moringa 1 Probiotic Stayed tuned for day 3 of my 3-Day Cleanse. The day after my birthday, I started on a 3-day cleanse. I'll try to keep this post short and to the point. My first cleanse was at a Tony Robbins event over 10 years ago. It was intense. I was in top shape back then racing mountain bikes as an expert and I was way younger. Even though I hated that cleanse, I learned a lot from it but didn't pick it back up until about 4 years ago. I started cleansing 1-2 times a year and the past 2 years I've been cleansing 2-3 times per year. Why do I do it? I do it mostly for health benefits. In those health benefits, there's more energy, better focus, fat burning (I don't need to lose weight), anti-inflammatory, better skin, and other benefits. Cleansing and detoxing is a great way for me to press the reset button. I'm basically resetting my body and giving it a clean slate. I like to do it when I'm going to start a new training plan. It gives me a kick start to my "semi-strict" nutrition plan. It gets me into "fat burning" mode very quickly. And I just feel great overall. This cleanse is a little different from other cleanses I've done, but it's similar in many ways. This cleanse is focused on anti-inflammation. Almost everything I'm eating and drinking has anti-inflammatory properties. The interesting thing is that the supplements I'm using on this cleanse, I already take them daily. So let me get into day 1. ***Throughout the day I had a ton of water. I had over 80 ounces of water. Drinking tons of water is probably the most important part of a cleanse/detox. Morning 1 glass of water with lemon (squeezed half a lemon) 1 full dropper of CBD (I've only been taking this a few weeks) 1 tablespoon of liquid collagen 1 scoop of More Greens 2 Essential fatty acids (omegas) 2 Essential amino acids (2 grams of my aminos is the equivalent to 18 grams of protein) I'll explain in another post. So I won't lose any muscle during these 3 days. 2 Multi-vitamins 2 Protease Lunch 2 scoops of the Power Shake - It's basically greens but it's like a vegan meal replacement Afternoon before my 1 hour spin on the bike 1 scoop of More Greens 1 tablespoon of Apothe Cherry 1 full dropper of CBD 2 Essential fatty acids (omegas) 2 Essential amino acids 2 Multi-vitamins 2 Protease After my bike spin 2 scoops of the Power Shake Before bed Concoction of teas - Arnica, Moringa, and Ginger/Turmeric 1 Probiotic What you see in the picture above is what I ate and drank all day, plus a bunch of water. I don't feel hungry. I believe it's because I'm used to fasting. But I feel great. Day 2 and 3 are different than day 1. I'll give you details on the next post. #coachnilo #cleanse #detox #nutrition #health #supplements #training #fatburning #antiinflammatory #swimbikerun #swimming #cycling #running #marathon #triathlon #ironman #greens #liquidnutrition |