![]() En la cima de GMR. Mis entrenamientos van mejorando, me siento mejor y mi condición está mejorando. No estoy donde quiero estar todavía pero se siente bien poder ver que estoy progresando. Solo estoy siguiendo mi plan y disfrutando de mi jornada. Si alguien va ir al Tour de Palm Springs el 8 de Febrero, 2014, avísenme. Ya me registré! Los veo en la ruta. #coachnilo #tourdepalmsprings #sdashow #unetealreto ![]() At the top of GMR. My trainings are getting better, I'm feeling better and my conditioning is getting better. I'm not where I want to be yet, but it feels good to be able to see progress. I'm just sticking to the plan and enjoying the journey. If anyone is going to the Tour de Palm Springs on February 8th, 2014, hit me up. I'm already signed up! See you guys out on the road. #coachnilo #sdashow #tourdepalmsprings #jointhechallenge #8weekchallenge ![]() Today I worked out with my brother. We did an intense leg workout. A little of Kris Gethin and Greg Plitt with a touch of our own. We could barely walk after this workout. 30 minute warm up on the stationary bike - (about 10 miles) 10 sets of Leg Press (work up on the weight. use enough weight so that when you're done with your set, you should be at or near failure.) 40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 10 reps, 20 reps, 30 reps, 40 reps / 2 minute bicycle (1 minute hard - 1 minute easy) - rest time is the 1 minute of easy spin. 3 sets of Deadlift (use weight so that you can do about 10 - 12 reps but you're near or at failure after each set / Eccentric bodyweight leg curl - (focus on the eccentric - do between 4-6 reps.) Rest time is switching from one station to the next. This video is the last set of the eccentric bodyweight leg curl. I could barely finish my last set. www.coachnilo.com ![]() Why do I do it? I can say many different reasons, but when it comes down to it, we do it because of the way we feel after we do it or don't do it. Why do I work so hard to get in shape? I can say because I want to win. But what does winning give me? A prize and I feel good because I accomplished something. So at the end of it, we do things because of how we're going to feel. So how are the things you're doing making you feel? Why do you do what you do? ![]() Por qué lo hago? Puedo decir muchas diferentes razones, pero al final hacemos las cosas por como nos vamos a sentir después de hacerlo o no hacerlo. Por qué trabajo tan duro para ponerme en forma? Puedo decir porque quiero ganar. Pero ganar que me va dar? Un premio y me voy a sentir super bien porque logre algo. Entonces al final de todo, hacemos las cosas por como nos vamos a sentir. Como te están haciendo sentir las cosas que estás haciendo? Por qué haces lo que haces? ![]() Ahora fui a entrenar en mi bicicleta e hice una ruta de 20 millas con una subida yendo hacia Mt. Baldy, pero cortando en Padua, que es casi la mitad hacia Mt. Baldy. Llegando a la subida no es muy fácil porque casi toda la ruta es de subida, entonces hay que esforzarse un poco hasta llegar al inicio de la subida grande. Recuerden que llevo mas del año sin entrenar en mi bicicleta y para los ciclistas, ya saben que una semana sin entrenar en la bici es como no ir al gimnasio por 3 meses, entonces e perdido bastante fuerza y condición en la bici. Cuando llegue a inicio de la subida ya estaba cansado y mis piernas se sentían sin fuerzas y casi me regresaba... de eso se trata este video de 1 minuto. Disfruten.. =) Disculpen tanto movimiento en el video. ![]() I went on a short 20 mile ride today with a small climb heading up to Mt. Baldy, but cutting off at Padua, which is almost half way up to Mt. Baldy. Getting to that climb is not an easy ride, because it's mostly all false flat, so there's a bit of pushing in there. Remember, I haven't trained on my bike regularly for over a year, so I lost a lot of my strength and conditioning on the bike. If you're a cyclist, you know what that's like. Being off the bike for a week is like not going to the gym for 3 months! At the bottom of the climb, it gets steep and I started hurting bad and wanted to turn around and head back... that's what this short 1 minute video is about. Enjoy... =) BTW - Sorry for so much movement on the video. ![]() So my next challenge is to do the Tour de Palm Springs Century on February 8th, 2014! For those who don't know me, I haven't been training on my bike for a while now. I've been lifting and running a few times a week, but I've been riding very sporadic. Taking a week off of cycling is like not working out for like 3 months. I haven't trained on my bike for over a year. My cardio and endurance on the legs just goes really fast. So I have a month to prepare for this 100 mile ride. Instead of an 8 week challenge, it'll be a 4 week challenge... but I'm up for it! I've prepared a workout that'll get me ready for this century, but will also prepare for a future challenge that I'll announce in the near future. So who's up for the challenge? If you want to start your 8 week challenge, make sure you check out the YOR Best Body Challenge. For all you cyclists out there, see you out on the road! If anyone is going to the Tour de Palm Springs and needs a hotel to stay in, hit me up ... I have the hook up! =) ![]() Had a nice 3 mile run out here in Palm Springs. I have some fun fitness goals for 2014! Look out for my posts... it's going to be a fun and crazy 2014!!! Happy New Year! Acabo de correr 3 millas en Palm Springs. Mi primer corrida del 2014. Tengo unas metas de fitness divertidas para el 2014! Estén al tanto de mis posts... va ser un año super divertido!!! Feliz Año Nuevo! |