Did you know that the number of people getting chronically sick in the United States keeps rising year after year? Did you know that over 1/3 of American adults and 17% of American children suffer from obesity? Imagine if we add the number of people who suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other chronic diseases. I'm not a doctor or a genius, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on here. With so much information available to us, it's very easy to do a little research and figure out the truth.
There is more information about health, nutrition, fitness and there are more gyms and trainers now than there ever was. But still, most Americans prefer to follow the corporations who have basically poisoned our foods and are poisoning our bodies. Our bodies are being filled with toxins even when we don't know it. The pollution in the air, the stress in our lives, the food we eat (sugar, processed foods, chemicals, etc), the food we don't eliminate that stays stuck in our intestines, etc., etc. We're basically auto-intoxicating ourselves and it's what's causing so many health issues. I can go on and on about why, how and what, but instead, I'd like to go straight into what has been a solution for so many people. That's right, detoxing. Exactly what is detoxing? Detoxing is to eliminate the toxins from our body. It is usually done by taking a vacation from the sugars, processed foods, chemicals and all of the food most people consider "the good stuff" and replacing it with clean whole foods and juices for a certain number of days. Most people think it's crazy to do this, especially because in the first few days most people feel really bad. What most people don't realize is that it's all of the toxins that are passing through the body as they're being eliminated. It can cause headaches, muscle and joint soreness, skin breakouts, a lot of going to the bathroom, some people even get "flu-like" symptoms, anxiety and there can be a number of things that people can feel during the first few days of their detox process. Not everyone goes through this phase, but a lot of people, especially first timers, do. A few days of going through a detox process can be a small price to pay for the huge benefits that come with completing a detox a few times a year, (depending on your habits, especially eating habits). So are there true benefits to detoxing your body? You bet there is! What are the benefits of detoxing? Well it's all the opposite of what people feel before a detox. Here are just a few benefits of detoxing. 1. Energy - So many people need caffeine to get them going. If they don't have their coffee, they feel sluggish all day. A detox will give you natural energy for various positive reasons. 2. Fat loss / Weight Loss - A detox will teach the body how to burn fat and use it as energy. Also, the lower calorie intake will help with weight loss. The one most people forget about is all the defecation one eliminates throughout the detox process. That alone will cause weight loss and loss of inches in the mid-section. 3. Skin and Hair - Your skin and hair get so much softer, fuller and brighter. A lot of people get rid of their acne after they finish detoxing. The benefits for the hair and skin are amazing after a detox. 4. Stress levels drop - A detox won't get rid of stress, but it gives you mental clarity and you're able to cope better with stressful situations. 5. Immune System gets stronger - A detox will cleanse your organs like your intestines and your liver and they'll function much better. You'll absorb more nutrients and eliminate the waste. With less toxins, less stress in the body, and with more nutrients, it's easier for your body to strengthen your immune system. 6. Anti-aging - By getting rid of toxins, you're reducing the free radicals that damage the cells in the body. Not only that, we're regenerating new healthier cells. If one continues to adapt healthier habits after the detox, it is very common to receive compliments of looking younger. 7. Taste buds change - This is a strange one, but your taste buds really do change. After a detox, one enjoys the whole foods much more than before the detox. It gets to the point where people will prefer healthy whole foods over sugars and processed foods. Not because of the health factor, but because they actually enjoy the whole foods over the sugars and the processed foods. These are some of the physical benefits that are noticeable. But then there's the benefits that happen inside of our body that we don't see. That list can go on and on. I personally detox 2-3 times per year. I've been doing it for over 8 years now. Plus I follow a healthy nutrition plan for the most part. I still eat the "normal" foods. I'm not vegetarian or vegan. I'll eat a hamburger, pancakes, pizza, tacos and the "normal" food, but for the most part, I eat a healthy nutrition plan filled with organic whole foods. At the age of 42, I feel great, I'm in great shape, people say I look way younger than my age and I've passed all my medical physicals with flying colors. I can't say that a detox will cure you of any disease, but it sure does make a huge difference in people's health. If you'd like to know more about my detox plan, you can click here to check it out. Jose Nilo |